Mini Band Walks
Mini Band Walks are used to strengthen the muscles on the outsides of your hips (AKA…your booty!!) Doing mini band walks helps to strengthen and stabilize both your knees and your hips.
To perform:
Place a mini band around your ankles
Start with your feet a little narrower than hip width apart (the band should be snug, without any slack)
Controlling your upper body, laterally step to the side approximately shoulder width apart
Slowly bring your other foot back to a little narrower than hip width apart (the starting position) making sure that your feet do NOT touch and there is still tension on the band
Repeat for 5-10 steps one direction, then 5-10 steps the opposite direction
To make the exercise easier, slide the band up below your knees.
Still too hard? Slide the band above your knees.
One band too easy? Place one band around your ankles and one band above your knees!
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